Thursday, June 2, 2011

Weighing Room

Cold glass, close walls
Once again, like every day
I'm standing here... Alone.
The numbers on the screen peirce within
like needles and razor blades on the skin.
My hand is on the smooth flat image.
There's another girl trapped inside.
Is she in another universe,
Or only in my head and eyes?
Step back. Avert vision. Turn. Close the door.


This is a place poem with style intending to transport the reader to a particular time or event in a space that the author is either creating from the imagination, remembering, or very familiar with. The point is to make the reader "see" this place in their mind's eye. Usually the place is tied to a deep emotional meaning, like a dark haunting place you can't seem to escape, or a point of hope you only wish to experience some day, or maybe somewhere you feel safe. Like most poetry, this can help to unmask one's soul, or help to reinforce one's desire to hide. These poems need not have meter or rhyme, though they may if desired. I generally prefer free verse with a little rhyme and some natural "speaking" meter, but not fully structured form, as you can see exhibited in this poem, for example. Knock yourselves out you all, have fun, get creative, and let me know what you come up with. Good luck writing!

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