Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I HUNGER for the day
When FAT melts away
And FAILURE stops haunting my soul
My BONES will be pure
When my light WEIGHT is sure
And the SCALE is no longer my foe


This poem was written in English class. similar to a stream of consciousness, it is derived from your initial reactions to a topic. However, when you are given or come up with a topic, think of 5 or 6 words that you think of when you first hear, or see, or whatever the topic word. "Mirror" was my topic word. Next, you write each line to contain one of the words (preferably in the order you thought of them) so they make sense. I capitalized the words I had initially thought. This is a rather simple concept, but if you really wanted to push yourself, you could try writing a longer poem! Good luck writing!

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